Today we had out first baby appointment and were able to see Little Jasmine-Shaun for the first time. Baby is very cute (was there any doubt?) and very active! We have been calling the baby "Jasmine-Shaun" since we do not yet know the sex, but absolutely intend to find out. We will also have one of those 4D ultrasounds done, but since I am only 10 weeks, we will have to wait a bit. We were very spoiled with Taylor and had an ultrasound at every appointment, this time we were just supposed to get one at 20 weeks, but the doctor had trouble hearing the heartbeat with the doppler machine and decided it warranted an ultrasound. Of course, baby was fine, just hiding. But as soon as baby figured out what was going on, we got quite a show! I figure if it is Jasmine, she was practicing her dance or cheerleading moves; Shaun was working on his jumpshot. We are so very very excited to be a mommy and daddy again and can't wait to meet our little one. Taylor doesn't quite have it figured out yet, but we have been working on it.
This pregnancy has been totally different that our first. I have been sick nearly everyday and am so exhausted all the time. But, I am so, so happy to be having this baby, that it is all worth it!
Sister, I'm very happy for you and WITH you. Baby's are such blessings!
I can't wait to see what my cousin looks like!
Bella Back, 6 1/2 yrs
Love your blog! We had created one and then no one read it. So you inspired me to start ours again. We will see how long it lasts! I will be checking your blog often. I have to have something to do at work!!! LOL
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