Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sick Baby :(

On Wednesday night/Thursday morning Tay woke with a high fever. He was miserable the rest of the day, but refused to take any medicine. We tried the liquid Motrin a couple of times, but he just spit it right back up at us. I tried crushing a Motrin a putting it in some chocolate pudding, but after one bite he figured out what Mommy was up to. I tried sneaking it in his drink with just as much success. Daddy stopped and picked up some Tylenol fast dissolves, but that went over like a lead balloon. He didn't want to eat and didn't drink much. Aside from being a stinker about taking his medicine, he is such a sweet little baby and it broke our hearts that he wasn't feeling well. Thursday night, Brooks started feeling sick too, so the boys ended up sleeping together and I crashed out on Tay's bunk bed. It was the best night of sleep I can remember in a long time! I slept solidly until 5 am when Tay came to get me and started throwing up. Brooks had a meeting at work, but planned on coming home early to share the joy of cleaning up throw up with me. But, it seems after Tay got the yuckies out of him, he was all better! A little while later he went to the fridge and started asking for cookies and cheerios, then mac n cheese. So after a breakfast of mac n cheese and lots of water, he was back to his old self.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Christmas in June!

Welcome to our new blog! There is always exciting things going on with us, so we thought we'd create this blog to share it all.

Dale and Marlene arrived back in the states this past weekend. Taylor was very happy to see Grandma and Papa again, and was showing off just how smart he is. Tay can count to 15 in English, 5 in Spanish, and has quite the vocabulary and imagination. He drew some pictures and shapes with Grandma and read a few books with Papa. Grandma and Papa watched Tay so we could go see a movie on Sunday, which happened to be our two-year anniversary. Brooks and I went to see A Mighty Heart, which was a great film. We, of course, ate like pigs at the theatre, had a hearty dinner, and left Grandma and Papa's house with a batch of homemade cookies.

Dale and Marlene brought us back lots of goodies, as usual. Tay got some cute T-shirts, as did Brooks, and I got a pink beach bag. We also received a wood picture frame, candy dish, and cheese board from Morocco, a beautiful porcelain statue from Toledo, Spain, and the coolest sword from Toledo, as well.