Thursday, August 12, 2010

We're back...

OK, so FOR REAL this time blogging is on like Donkey Kong! I feel like I have been saying forever that I needed to get back into this. Apparently I need a lot of signs sometimes before I "get" it. I love blogging and have been blogging about bridal stuff for the ABA, but have avoided this site mainly because with everything that has been going on I felt like I was constantly in it and didn't want to then talk about it again, but now I get how cathartic it is to deal with it all. I have been mentally overloaded and have had some pretty serious epiphanies lately. Like light bulbs going off constantly. I don't know how many times lately I have said to myself, "Oh now I get it!" "Oh that makes sense!" I also keep thinking about the phrase that God gives you only what you can handle, which is perhaps the understatement of the year. Thank God he didn't dump all this past year on me at once- I seriously would be in the looney bin.

So, looks like the last post was in March, way too much to go over all in one blog but I am sure it will all come up at some time, in due time. But, we are back and man have we been busy! Big plans, lots of new things have been learned and we keep on chugging.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Welcome back to blogging....all the best with it. It can be therapeutic and great for networking and suddenly (like me) you end up doing it for food money!!

Best of Luck!
