Little Miss Jasmine is Toy Story Crazy!
We watched the Toy Story 3 at the theaters during the sensory-friendly showing, which was great! The sound is not as loud, they don't dim the lights as much and best of all, all of the kids are noisy and walking around- not just ours! Great experience and we would see all movies this way if we could ;)
Well, since then Jazz has become Toy Story crazy. Thank goodness we had 1 and 2 at home, as they now play non-stop on the TV in the playroom. And I mean NON-STOP. Even if Jazzasaurus is in the other room she'll flip out if she can't hear it in the background. The only time that poor TV gets a break is when she is asleep.
By now she has quite a collection of the toys as well- Woody, Bullseye, Jessie, Slinky, Rex, Zurg, Buttercup and of course the Barbies. When we go somewhere, she'll load them all in her Kai-Lan backpack and off we go! These pics are of the gang watching what else- Toy Story, while hanging out in a Barbie carriage.
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