Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Six Kids and Crazy

Happy Belated Valentines Day!

And, speaking of love...Valentine's Day was also the special birthday of our newest niece Maria Andrea Back. She decided to give her mommy and daddy a little bit of trouble and their planned home birth turned into an emergency c-section and NICU stay. Mary and Araceli are both doing well and should be home today.

We picked up the kids when they were still at home, and then kept them for a little bit longer then our initial idea of a few hours. I often say God did not make me to have a lot of babies, and after this weekend I can't argue with myself. Don't get me wrong, there are many wonderful parents out there who can do it and do it well (such as Araceli and James). I am just not one of them! You just have to have a lot of structure and routine, and patience. The kids all did well, but long term I think 2 is just enough for us.

Bella, Michael, Sarah and Josh are now home with their Daddy. And we are happily snuggling and loving our two.

1 comment:

Celi said...

I know it was crazy for you but I so appreciated your willingness to take all my babies. You do such a great job with them they never want to leave you!!
Love and hugs, whips