Monday, February 8, 2010

Germs and More!

Update to my TGIF Post:
Our Friday filled with fun was on a roll: speech started late which meant our hour drive/lunch break was shortened to 30 minutes, and then because of that I was 10 minutes late to Taylor PT eval which was dutifully noted in the printed eval I was mailed about a week later. Among his hypotonia and low muscle tone diagnosis mention was a reference by the therapist that she could not complete the full test because we ran out of time. Gee, thanks. The story of my life, it seems.

So anyway, after rushing back to Araceli's from PT to pick up Jasmine who Araceli had very kindly sat with during her developmental therapy session since mommy couldn't be there, we headed to an unexpected stop at the pediatricians. And the day came screeching to a halt with the diagnosis no mother who has taken her kids all over town and so unknowingly shared germs galore wants to hear: RSV. Since Taylor does not do oral meds, he was give an antibiotic shot for his ear infection I also was made aware of, and a breathing treatment at the office as well as nebulizer to take home for more breathing treatments. So, I called Jenny and sadly explained we would not be at the birthday party, then called my very pregnant sister to let her know I just brought some mega cooties into her home.

Over the course of the weekend, Taylor got much worse and breathing treatments were upped to once every three hours, even during the night. Something like RSV really must be shared, so by the next day little Jasmine was showing signs of this virus o'joy as well. On Monday, we were back at the Pediatrician's office and this time Taylor received a steroid shot for his poor little lings and airway. He also needed to go get a chest x-ray. Following this day of fun, my little guy decided he wanted McDonald's and he wanted ice cream at Ikea, so of course we obliged him.

The week only got better, with Jasmine getting even sicker, another trip to the pediatrician for her which was positive for both RSV and Pneumonia. We ended up at the ER that weekend when her temp spiked at nearly 105 degrees. By Monday, fortunately she was much better, but on Tuesday we received a call from the ER Charge Nurse saying her x-ray had an "infiltrate" and she needed to be switched to a 10-day antibiotic treatment.

So, anyway, after all that I hope and hope and hope some more that we are done with germs for the rest of the winter!

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