Monday, September 19, 2011

Tiger Cub Taylor

I think I see now why people blog semi-anonymously. The can give their kids cute names like one of my favorite blogger does- Pork Lo Maniac and Little Dude and most important write about others without them knowing and possibly being offended or hurt. But, alas, I have not gone that route.

Sigh. So here goes.

I should at first start by saying that Cub Scouts is a great organization, and something my Little Man is super excited to be involved in. Brooks was in Cub Scouts when he lived in Korea, so I think he was excited to have Taylor follow in his footsteps.

Taylor's pack is a decent size and the leaders are all very kind, however, there are some serious geeks. We refer to the Pack leader as the Head Nerd. There is another nerd in charge, whom we refer to as Ghostrider, which is his email name. In Taylor's Tiger Den, there are only maybe 7 kids- 3 of whom are in his class. The den leader is nice enough and seems to definitely bring some organization that the Head Nerds surprisingly lack. Brooks nicely worded this past weekend's events as "campy, " I do feel bad saying nerdy or talking about them that way. Because really, they are super nice.

This past weekend was the Space Derby. I only remembered the Pinewood Derby from my little brother's Cub Scouts days, so this was a new but very fun experience. Brooks and Taylor worked together on building the rocket, Taylor came up with the design and I painted it. I wanted to make sure it at least looked really cool just in case it didn't fly. We got there a little bit early as we discovered that morning that we'd manage to lose the nose cap piece that holds the propeller. Thankfully the Head Nerd took our panicked call and said he'd have a bag full of extra parts at the event. He even helped Brooks assemble everything there. Taylor waited not so patiently for the Tigers turn and then guess what?

It flew! And- it was first!

I think he even came in first for the 2nd round, but then on the third round it did not move at all. They let him re-fly in the finals, but he was beat out by the den leader's kid. I think Brooks and I were more concerned about his placement than Taylor was. He just thought it was cool that everyone seemed to think his rocket looked cool. In the end, he won a certificate for Best Tiger Spirit and was just really excited to be running around with his friends. Nerdy parents or not.

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