Friday, March 7, 2008

She's Here! She's Finally Here!!

Little Jasmine Natasha Wintemute was born March 4th at 11:01 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. She is so darn cute and wonderful and we are the luckiest mommy and daddy in the world!!

Our adventures began on Monday, March 3rd at our 8:30 am doctors appointment. They did a non-stress test since Jasmine was over 40 weeks, and went ahead and scheduled an induction for Saturday the 8th. I was totally bummed- I did not want to wait until Saturday to meet her, even if it was only a few more days. But, during the NST, I was contracting every 5 minutes. "Textbook contractions" they called them, but although they were close enough together and lasted long enough, they weren't Strong enough. So, home we went expecting to see her on Saturday. Only the contractions did not stop, they did get stronger. But, I am a big weenie and did not want to go in because I thought they would just send me home. After Brooks put his foot down and my mom told me (not asked, but told) that she was coming up that night, off we went to the OB triage. I was having the same contractions, but was only 1 1/2 cm dilated. So we went walking around the hospital and found the cafeteria. One of the cafeteria workers came over and told us it was a special event and they had this buffet set up with free food. There was hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled chicken, corn on the cob, potato salad, baked beans, cookies, sodas and bottled water. We sat down and ate at about midnight, and it was delicious! Then I started thinking that probably was not the smartest thing to do, but it smelled so good! We walked around a bit more and went back to triage and when they checked again I was now 3 cm dilated. So, they sent us on one more walk and when we came back we were led to our new room in labor and delivery. I began asking for my epidural right away, and after some quick fluids was granted my wish. By now, Brooks was sleeping comfortable (really, this was a nice set-up). He slept through my epidural, catheter and all that fun stuff that goes along with labor preparations. We called my mom to let her know what happened, and off to sleep I went. Early the next am my doctor came in to check on me and I knew something was going on. I didn't feel so hot, but I couldn't really see the monitor to see what was going on with either me or Jasmine. My blood pressure was low they said, and put me on oxygen for a few hours and kept pumping fluids in me. My mom came in with the kids and Brooks went out to get himself some breakfast at the McDonalds about 2 miles away. They checked me again and I was now at 5-6. My blood pressure went even lower, Jasmine started to have more decelerations in her heart rate, then my water broke and I was at 7cm. I had my mom call Brooks to say hurry back. A few minutes later, I called him again. Then we called again. Where the heck was he? I had a super fast transition with Tay and this was going fast too. My went downstairs to get Tay some chocolate milk and I was all alone and ready to go. Brooks walked in with a jewelery box (some trip to McDonalds!) and I couldn't be mad anymore. He bought me a beautiful mothers ring, it is white gold with an aqua marine and two smaller stones on either side. I hardly had time to enjoy my pretty ring, before my mom walked back in, so did the nurse who checked again and I was at 10, fortunately she believed me when I said I transitioned fast, and had already called the doctor. I could not feel a thing, even though my epidural was totally off and had been for about 30-45 minutes since by blood pressure was so low. I gave two pushes and out Jasmine came! We had planned on Katie being there, as she had asked beforehand and really wanted to see Jasmine born. Brooks jokes because I was so doped up and was having a full conversation with my doctor as I was pushing. This was a super easy labor (aside from the waiting for the labor to begin). Tay was drawing a picture when Jasmine was born and we kept it for her baby book.

So now we are home, and doing pretty well. We are not as tired as we thought we would be, Jasmine is pretty easy going, and so far Taylor is decently interested in her. Brooks is home for a week. We received flowers in the hospital from Carlson and today went shopping to enjoy the $230 gift card to Babies R Us they gave us.

More to come, be prepared for more pics of the world's cutest little girl!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So glad that all is well!! I can't wait to come over and see her again!! let me know when a good time is and I can make a homemade chicken pot pie and you will all have dinner!!!
