Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rocky road before breakfast? Yeah, I'm a sucker

We had a "discussion" a few weeks back about my lack of restraint when purchasing (with the Bunny's advice) presents for Easter. At that moment I blurted out something that was probably in the back of my mind but I had never actually verbalized before.

I can't take Autism away. But I can make Taylor happy by buying him things. And, if that's all it takes then by God I am going to do it.

So this morning Taylor decided he wanted rocky road ice cream before breakfast. And I couldn't/didn't say no. I totally get that if I stood my ground and never allowed things like this my kids could be better for it. They'd eventually grow up and be excellent human beings because their mommy loved them so much she was strong and firm.

Ah, this morning I was not that mommy. Sometimes I rather enjoy the look of happiness on their faces when they get some instant gratification. There is a lot in this world that is unpleasant and crappy. As long as my child is not obese or has a dairy or nut allergy,  if a bowl of rocky road makes it even a little bit better- even if only for a moment, then I am OK with it.

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