Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a safe, and wonderful New Years celebration! Taylor and Mommy have both been sick. Tay is pretty much over his cold now, but it is much more pitiful for babies to be sick, so he has been our main worry. Brooks had New Years Day off, which capped off his slacker week at work. He decided to take New Years Eve off too, to be home with us sickies. All the girls in the office, as well as the big boss were on vacation, so the remaining guys took it easy, way easy. I don't think he "worked" a day all week past 3:00. New Years Eve, Jasmine was kinda thinking maybe she wanted to see what was going on, so we ended up at Chandler Regional at 9:30 at night. I was having regular contractions, but fortunately they were not long enough (40-60 seconds) and after a few hours and some tests, we were happily sent home. My cervix has started to thin out a bit, so my prediction of Jasmine being a February baby might be true. I was watching HGTV at midnight on the TV in my triage room, and Tay and Brooks were playing in the waiting room. Yes-Tay was up that late. He had not been feeling well and decided to nap at 6 p.m., which at the time we just said OK because we knew he was sick, but with how the evening ended up,it turned out OK. Jasmine has been relatively quiet since then, I think she knows she worried her Daddy.

Michelle came in to town on the 2nd. It was great to see her. Michelle is my good friend from Iowa, we have been friends for over 10 years now, and have gone through quite a lot together. It is always great to see her. Adam, her husband had a conference in Scottsdale, so she tagged along. They flew into Phoenix, stayed a few days in Tucson, then drove to Pasadena and went to the Rose Bowl, then she dropped Adam off at the conference and came to visit me and Tay. We'll see them again after Adam's conference on the 4th. She has the same cold Tay and I do, so we were blowing noses and coughing together. Now Brooks, who has been bragging about his bionic immune system is coming down with our cooties.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

OMG!!!! I am so glad that you are well and that Jasmine decided to calm down. I am sure it was your heavy New Years Partying!! LOL She just wanted to jion the fun mom~ LOL.

Anyways, I am glad you are well and that things are going smooth. Take it easy!

We also need to figure out when we are metting for my mary Kay make over!!!

Oh last but not least...Bionic Immune system! That made me laugh. Jamie no more than said, Oh I never get sick, and he is bogged with the most miserable cold ever! Men!