We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! My parents went up to Williams for the Polar Express ride, and celebrated their Christmas up there. On their way back through Phoenix, they dropped Katie off with us and we will have her for about a week, which means she also got to celebrate Christmas with us. Tay was very excited to see her, and he has been following her around ever since she arrived. We were very excited, because we thought this would be the first year where Taylor sort of understood the whole Santa thing. Brooks thought we should leave Santa five cookies and a glass of chocolate milk, but I asked Mrs. Claus and she felt two cookies would be best since Santa would be having cookies at many houses on Christmas Eve. Well, maybe I made the jolly ole' man unhappy because he left some very pretty and comfy pink slippers in my stocking-only bummer was they are too small :( Brooks got socks in his stocking, I think as a joke because he is always asking for socks and underwear, and he finally got it. Tay got the Smart Cycle from Santa and loves it! It is the coolest little video game system for kids, and he likes playing with it. He of course, got about 10,000 other presents, including an art easel from Grandma Kathy that he decided to open early, before we got smart and hid the Christmas presents. Gradma Marlene and Papa Dale got him a bunch of presents, too, his favorite is the extra sets for his GeoTrax. We also had a big Christmas dinner and Brooks made some great mashed potatoes. We have been experimenting lately, as we can't seem to make lump-less mashed potatoes. Last night they were great, though!
Dale and Marlene were supposed to fly back for Christmas, but Dale was taken to the hospital in Madrid, so they could not fly back. Hopefully everything will be OK, and in the meantime, Tay has been sending some video back with his emails. I think we are going to try to get set up with an account with VM Direct/Hello World so we can just do those all the time, and for both grandparents.
Katie leaves Friday, and we have a few more girly things to do before then. We went clothes shopping today and exchanged what we got her for Christmas because they just weren't cool enough. We also need to do our nails, and she is going to Angie's salon to get her hair cut and thinned.
Merry Christmas and hope Santa brought you all the right sized slippers!