Hi everyone!
My name is Taylor Allan and I am almost three years old. I love my Mommy, but I love my Daddy, too! He is very silly and I like playing with him. He makes great animal sounds, and sometimes I call him "tiger" and he roars at me. I like to do the same things my daddy does. Mommy took this picture of me at the park, I was drinking water from the gallon, just like Daddy does. Sometimes, mom catches me trying to drink from water or milk out of the fridge this way. She gets mad when Daddy does it. One time, mom was making me and Daddy brownies and I got myself a spoon and dipped in in the brownie mix and walked away to eat it, just like Daddy does. The other day, I opened the cabinet and helped myself to a bag of chips and took it to my room to watch a movie. I thought it would make a good dinner. Daddy and I also like to eat the same things, like ramen and Totino's pizza. Daddy and I both like Transformers and he can pick me up and make me walk on the ceiling. We call it "Spiderman". Also, when I sleep I make the same face Daddy does, which mom says looks like I am puckering up for someone to kiss me. When I smile big or laugh, I make the same face as my Daddy, too. Since I am cute like my Daddy, Mommy usually does not get too mad at us. Lately, I like to pick out my own clothes, but Mommy says I look like my Uncle Ryan when I do that. I also like hanging out in my under ware, just like my Daddy. I like going places just with my Daddy, and sometimes I get mad at Mommy when she wants to come. Daddy buys me cool toys, and I love him very much.
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